Keep It Real 1

€ 20,40
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Authors : Audrey Cowan, Paola Tite, Claire Moore ISBN : 9788853625199 Subscription magazine School subject : English Publisher : ELi License duration (days) :
DIGITAL VERSION OF THE BOOK, NO PAPER-BASED COPY. This book requires bSmart applications
  • peso
    Book weight 3.42 GB
  • pagine
    Book pages 259
  • risorse
    Extra resources 545
  • liquid
    Liquid text Yes


Il nuovo corso di lingua e cultura inglese interamente basato sulle competenze e sulla didattica inclusiva. La partenza graduale, l’approccio multisensoriale, l’uso costante di materiale audiovisivo facilitano il lavoro del docente e rendono Keep It Real adatto a tutti gli alunni della classe.

Liquid text

Thanks to the liquid text format, content is automatically reorganised to fit any screen size. This option also enables to change the font, the character's size and colour, the background colour, to search for text and to use the integrated text-to-speech reader.
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